The weekend is like the Holy Grail. We are constantly running towards it, in the hope of family time, R&R and some space from the chaotic schedule of life before a new week begins. Sometimes we are completely unable to catch it despite it being so close. We fall down the rabbit hole of stress and disarray and the to-do list we dreamed of ripping up come Friday night. Any chance of relaxation, forgetting the demands of life and work, and finding that much needed time to connect with our families, flutters away like the wishes on a dandelion in the wind.
When life’s demands seem to take over your mind, adding to an already heavy workload and amplifying stress and anxiety, we need to do something about it. But what? When an app freezes, or the TV screen goes blurry, or Alexa won’t connect to the internet, what do we do? We hit reset. And that’s exactly what we can do every week to reset our minds, reset our focus, and reset our week to close off those irritating little things which continue to niggle when we should have left them behind in previous week.
The Weekly Reset
A weekly reset is a fairly easy thing to accomplish but like anything it takes a bit of practice to turn it into a worthwhile habit. By stepping back and objectively looking at our lives we gain a new perspective which allows us to see the things which aggravate, frustrate or place demands on us in a less threatening way. In turn, this means we can tackle these things easier and close them out, allowing us to step into the weekend and more importantly into the new week with a fresh head.
Hitting the Reset Button
If it were as easy as hitting a button, we’d reset every time milk is spilt! But as I say, it takes a bit of practice. Resetting our lives means focusing on certain aspects which can help frame our days and wrap up our weeks.
For me, I hit the reset button, figuratively speaking, every weekend. It may take one day or sometimes I work through the list over two days, allowing myself the time to drift through the list. I break it into two – work life and family life. They are after all our two biggest stressors in life.
To reset, you need to focus. You need the time, the space, and the energy to go through the lingering weekly chores. Ensure you have little to no interruptions, allow yourself a quiet and calming space (throw on the diffuser, light some candles, play your favourite inspiring music low) and make sure you are not already overwhelmed or tired. You need a clear head for a reset to work.
I’ll give you an example of what I go through when I’m working through my weekly reset.
When it comes to work, I review the week to see what was done and what needs to move forward into next weeks to do list. I clear my inbox, my downloads and empty my trash which is oddly satisfying. I then check my digital calendar for upcoming appointments.
I then focus on family life which will include a weekly meal plan to avoid worrying about one of the most essential things we do every day. I also list the weekly food shop to coincide with the food plan. I put away any laundry piles (there are always laundry piles!). And finally, I talk to my husband so we are on the same page for the week when it comes to work, childcare and anything else which may crop up on this rollercoaster.
Finally, do a brain dump and throw out anything onto the page which is niggling away on the to-do list. Set a timer for this as we could easily spend the day writing out a list of things which need to be done for the next year. A brain dump gets everything out of your head so you can practically focus it if necessary.
Remember to only bring what is needed into next weeks to-do list and finalise anything which should have been worked on the week previously. The idea is to catch up where we ran short, plan where there was no plan and focus on the important things.
Why a Reset Works
When we have too much on our minds, it’s quite easy to lose sight of what needs to be done. Everything can become overwhelming and before you know it we can’t focus, and nothing gets done at all. By refocusing our minds and sorting through all of the things caught up on the to-do list and getting lost in our heads, we are helping to organise the demands of our lives while creating a space for us to be less stressed or overwhelmed.
Remember to give yourself time to rejuvenate during this weekly reset. Include moments for yourself whether that is meditation, yoga, or a walk. The weeks are long, but a reset will highlight just how much you have achieved over the week and reinforce just how capable you are for the week ahead. So always give time and space to prioritise you when you can.